The map below is taken from the book, "Illustrated Historical Atlas of Knox County Missouri in Connection with a General Atlas of the Unites States and the State of Missouri," by Worley B. Bracher [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, R. H. Harrison, 1876], pp. 62-63:
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This map illustrates the ownership of property in Salt River township, Knox county, Missouri in 1876 [the legal description of the area shown is Township 60 North, Ranges 12 & 13 West of 5th Principal Meridian]. Experienced family historians are well acquainted with the extensive intermarriages that can occur amongst large family groups in a given geographical setting. This was particularly true in generations of this era, who were not particularly mobile by today's standards.
We see represented here the ties to our family heritage which occurred when Abraham Rinehart chose to move his family out of Hampshire county, Virginia in the mid-1850s and resettle in Knox county, Missouri. The map above is divided into three color groupings - the green represents land held by our direct ancestors, the yellow represents land held by siblings and descendants of our direct ancestors, and the orange represents land held by families allied to the first two groups through marriage. The following table provides details on each of these members of our extended family tree, including links [clicking on these links will open a new window to our database on World Connect] to more information on each [if there is the slightest question about the validity of these names, then they are marked with a ?]:
Direct Ancestors: | ||
Siblings and Their Descendants: | ||
Ancestors of Those Intermarried to Above: | ||
In the future, the author hopes to add to this page more information about the migrations of the family groups who ended up here on this map in 1876. For example, in addition to the above mentioned migration of Abraham Rinehart [which is the key to our family's ties to this region] and his family [Aucutt, Bowen, Graff, Hanks, Huling, Johnson, Townsend, Wilkerson], we have:
Many, many hours of work have gone into this project and it is hoped the information presented here will be of value to the reader. Unfortunately, all the effort still does not guarantee complete accuracy. The links above will take readers to the person and family groups of interest to them. If anyone has any information to correct or add to what is published here, please feel free to contact the author. And if you find a family member here that is not highlighted, then current research has not uncovered any link to our family, so they are not covered.
Author: Roger L. Roberson, Jr. Last updated: 27 March 2003
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